© 2017 Ingo Dahn
Welcome at Dahn
What is Dahn Research?
Exploring the world of eLearning
Dahn Research is the hub for my professional
activities while I am retired.
From 2003 until my retirement in 2015 I led the
Knowledge Media Institute in Koblenz/Germany,
the central eLearning institute of the University
Koblenz-Landau. I enjoyed exploring new ways of
learning, but was in need to create a new
research and communication infrastructure when
my contract with my university expired. This new
infrastructure is now in place with Dahn
On these pages I will publish news, thoughts, and
resources related to my work.
My interests include eLearning, in particular for
Math and Engineering, Open Badges, technical
eLearning standards, new trends in web
development and artificial intelligence. I am a
member of the team of the Virtual Campus
If you share some of my interests, you are invited
to contact me.
Ingo Dahn, Koblenz/Germany
3rd Generation Content
The ecosystem of educational contents is
moving towards interactive, multimedia
learning environments. This has key
consequences for the educational
resources‘ life cycle, for didactics and
business models…